6. Kinkdoc: API Documentation system

Kinkdoc is an API documentation system for Kink programs. Like Javadoc, godoc, and Doxygen, documentation texts for kinkdoc are written in program comments.


API documentation system for Kink programs.

6.1. Tutorial

Let's make a set of modules, and write kinkdoc documentation for them. In this tutorial section, we will make following modules:

  • math/RAT : for rational numbers.

  • math/COMPLEX : for complex numbers.

Here, asusme we implement have a library project as the following directory structure:

  • mathlib/ : the project directory

    • src/ : the root of modules

      • math/

        • RAT.kn : program file of math/RAT module

        • COMPLEX.kn : program file of math/COMPLEX module

    • build/ : the directory of generated files

Let's start from src/math/RAT.kn as follows. We will add documentation to this module and the library as a whole.


:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)
  :Desc = 'RAT.new(Numer Denom)'
  NUM.is?(Numer) && Numer.int? || raise(
    '{}: Numer must be an int num, but was {}'.format(Desc Numer.repr))
  NUM.is?(Denom) && Denom.int? && Denom != 0 || raise(
    '{}: Denom must be a non-zero int num, but was {}'.format(Desc Denom.repr))
    .. Rat_trait
    'Numer' Numer
    'Denom' Denom

:Rat_trait <- [
  'numer' {[:R] R.Numer }
  'denom' {[:R] R.Denom }
  'repr' {[:R] '(rat {} {})'.format(R.numer R.denom) }

6.1.1. Function

First, add a short description of new function. The first line of a kinkdoc comment chunk starts with ##, and subsequent lines start with #, as follows.

## RAT.new(Numer Denom)
# `new` makes a `rat` value
# which represents a rational number.
# `Numer` is the numerator, and `Denom` is the denominator.
:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)

The text of the first line after ## and a whitespace is treated as the title of the section. Following lines provide the body of the section. The text of the body starts after # and a whitespace, and it is separated to blocks or paragraphs by an empty comment line. So, the kinkdoc comment chunk above can be translated to HTML like this:

<h3>RAT.new(Numer Denom)</h3>

<p>`new` makes a `rat` value which represents a rational number.</p>

<p>`Numer` is the numerator, and `Denom` is the denominator.</p>

Note that the backtick ` is written to HTML verbatim. It is not a special character in kinkdoc format. Use of backticks to quote symbols or code fragments is just a convention.

You may want to add an example code to the section. A code block is indented by two whitespaces.

## RAT.new(Numer Denom)
# `new` makes a `rat` value
# which represents a rational number.
# `Numer` is the numerator, and `Denom` is the denominator.
# Usage:
#   :RAT.require_from('org/example/')
#   :Rat <- RAT.new(1 2)
#   stdout.print_line(Rat.repr)  # => (rat 1 2)
:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)

The text after Usage: can be translated to HTML as follows:



:Rat &lt;- RAT.new(1 2)
stdout.print_line(Rat.repr)  # =&gt; (rat 1 2)

You might want to insert a heading to separate contents in the section body. If the block starts with ==, and ends with ==, it is regarded as a heading.

## RAT.new(Numer Denom)
# `new` makes a `rat` value
# which represents a rational number.
# `Numer` is the numerator, and `Denom` is the denominator.
# Usage:
#   :RAT.require_from('org/example/')
#   :Rat <- RAT.new(1 2)
#   stdout.print_line(Rat.repr)  # => (rat 1 2)
# == Preconditions: ==
# • `Numer` must be an int num.
# • `Denom` must be a non-zero int num.
:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)

The text after == Preconditions: == can be translated to HTML as follows:

<p><em class="heading">Preconditions:</em></p>

<p>• `Numer` must be an int num.</p>

<p>• `Denom` must be a non-zero int num.</p>

Note that the heading is not translated to h3, h4, or h5 element, but just a p element with markups. It is because a heading does not affect the tree structure of the document.

Also note that is translated verbatim, because it is not a special character.

6.1.2. Type and methods

Second, add documentation of rat type. The best location is before the assignment of Rat_trait.

## type rat
# `rat` is a type of rational numbers.
:Rat_trait <- [
  'numer' {[:R] R.Numer }
  'denom' {[:R] R.Denom }
  'repr' {[:R] '(rat {} {})'.format(R.numer R.denom) }

Then, add documentation of methods of rat type.

## type rat
# `rat` is a type of rational numbers.
:Rat_trait <- [

  ## R.numer
  # `numer` returns the numerator of the rational number `R`.
  'numer' {[:R] R.Numer }

  ## R.denom
  # `denom` returns the denominator of the rational number `R`.
  'denom' {[:R] R.Denom }

  'repr' {[:R] '(rat {} {})'.format(R.numer R.denom) }

Here, kinkdoc comment chunks of R.numer and R.denom methods are indented from one of type rat. Thus, the sections of R.numer and R.denom are regarded as children of the section of type rat. So the above fragment can be translated to HTML as follows.

<h3>type rat</h3>

<p>`rat` is a type of rational numbers.</p>


<p>`numer` returns the numerator of the rational number `R`.</p>


<p>`denom` returns the denominator of the rational number `R`.</p>

6.1.3. Module

You can also add documentation of a module. If the first kinkdoc comment chunk in a program file does not have a title string, it is handled as documentation of the module.

Thus, finally, src/math/RAT.kn can be as follows.

# This module provides calculation of rational numbers.


## RAT.new(Numer Denom)
# `new` makes a `rat` value
# which represents a rational number.
# `Numer` is the numerator, and `Denom` is the denominator.
# Usage:
#   :RAT.require_from('org/example/')
#   :Rat <- RAT.new(1 2)
#   stdout.print_line(Rat.repr)  # => (rat 1 2)
:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)
  :Desc = 'RAT.new(Numer Denom)'
  NUM.is?(Numer) && Numer.int? || raise(
    '{}: Numer must be an int num, but was {}'.format(Desc Numer.repr))
  NUM.is?(Denom) && Denom.int? && Denom != 0 || raise(
    '{}: Denom must be a non-zero int num, but was {}'.format(Desc Denom.repr))
    .. Rat_trait
    'Numer' Numer
    'Denom' Denom

## type rat
# `rat` is a type of rational numbers.
:Rat_trait <- [

  ## R.numer
  # `numer` returns the numerator of the rational number `R`.
  'numer' {[:R] R.Numer }

  ## R.denom
  # `denom` returns the denominator of the rational number `R`.
  'denom' {[:R] R.Denom }

  'repr' {[:R] '(rat {} {})'.format(R.numer R.denom) }

6.1.4. Kinkdoc toolchain

Assume you wrote src/math/COMPLEX.kn as well with kinkdoc comments. How can we generate documentation from those program files?

Documentation generation is done by two steps:

The toolchain can be described as the following dataflow diagram.

digraph kinkdocflow {
  program [label = "proram files", shape = box];
  json [label = "JSON", shape = box];
  html [label = "HTML file", shape = box];
  sphinx [label = "Sphinx files", shape = box];
  other [label = "Other format", shape = box];

  parser [label = "Parsing by DOC_PARSE_TOOL module"];
  htmlrender [label = "HTML_RENDER_TOOL"];
  sphinxrender [label = "SPHINX_RENDER_TOOL"];
  otherrender [label = "Other renderer"];

  program -> parser -> json;
  json -> htmlrender -> html;
  json -> sphinxrender -> sphinx;
  json -> otherrender -> other;

If you want to generate an HTML file as the output, you can run a command chain like this:

$ kink mod:kink/doc/DOC_PARSE_TOOL src | kink mod:kink/doc/render/html/HTML_RENDER_TOOL > doc.html

DOC_PARSE_TOOL module parses program files of public modules under the specified directory, src, and writes the JSON data to the standard output. HTML_RENDER_TOOL module reads the JSON data from the standard input, then writes an HTML document to the standard output. The html can be like the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>API documentation</title>

<h1>API documentation</h1>


<p>This module provides calculation of complex numbers.</p>



<p>This module provides calculation of rational numbers.</p>

<h3>RAT.new(Numer Denom)</h3>



6.1.5. API level documentation

You can give the title of the entire API documentation by --title option of DOC_PARSE_TOOL module. If --title is not specified, “API documentation” is used as the default title.

You can also give the overview text of the API documentation. It can be done by making a program file containing kinkdoc comment chunks, and specifying the file to --overview option of DOC_PARSE_TOOL module. The toplevel section of the specified program file is used as the overview text. The second and lower level sections are used as as module-level and lower level sections.

Let's make src/overview.kn as follows:

# This library provides various systems of numbers.

The overview file can be specified as follows.

$ kink mod:kink/doc/DOC_PARSE_TOOL src \
    --title 'Math library' \
    --overview src/overview.kn \
    | kink mod:kink/doc/render/html/HTML_RENDER_TOOL > doc.html

The end result can be as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Math library</title>

<h1>Math library</h1>

<p>This library provides various systems of numbers.</p>






6.1.6. Vim folding support

If the title line contains {{{, the substring from it is ignored. So, it can be used as the start marker without changing the output.


## type rat {{{1
# `rat` is a type of rational numbers.
:Rat_trait <- [

  ## R.numer {{{
  # `numer` returns the numerator of the rational number `R`.
  'numer' {[:R]
  } # }}}

  ## R.denom {{{
  # `denom` returns the denominator of the rational number `R`.
  'denom' {[:R]
  } # }}}

  'repr' {[:R] '(rat {} {})'.format(R.numer R.denom) }

] # }}}1

6.2. Kinkdoc comment specification

6.2.1. Definitions of terms in the section

The following are definitions of terms used in the “Kinkdoc comment specification” section.

Whitespace character

The whitespace character is the codepoint U+0020.

ASCII control characters

ASCII control characters are the codepoints U+0000-U+001f and U+007f.

Space-like characters

Space-like characters are the whitespace character or ASCII control characters.

Line feed character

Line feed character is U+000a.


A line is a range in a source program which meets one of the following conditions:

  • If the source program includes one or more line feed characters:

    • From the start of the source program, exclusively to the first line feed character.

    • Exclusively from the last line feed character, to the end of the program.

    • Exclusively from a line feed character, exclusively to the next line feed character.

  • If the source program does not include a line feed character:

    • From the start of the source program, to the end of the source program.

Number sign

The number sign is the codepoint # (U+0023).

Comment delimiter

The comment delimiter of a comment is the longest sequence of number signs inclusively from the number sign which starts the comment.

Comment only line

A comment only line is a line which meets the following conditions:

  • The line contains a comment.

  • All the codepoints in the line before the comment delimiter are whitespace characters.

Comment text

The comment text of a comment is the codepoints of the range exclusively from the comment delimiter, exclusively to the sequence of space-like characters at the end of the line.

Empty comment line

An empty comment line is a comment only line the length of the comment text of which is zero.

Comment chunk

A comment chunk is a sequence of comment only lines, which is not preceded by a comment only line, and not followed by a comment only line.

6.2.2. Kinkdoc comment chunk

A documentation text is written in a comment chunk which meets the following conditions. Those chunks are called kinkdoc comment chunks.

  • Every line must be indented at the same level. In other words, the number of whitespace characters at the beginning of the line must be equal for each line.

  • The comment delimiter of the first line must be exactly two number signs ##.

  • If the chunk consists of 2 or more lines, the comment delimiter of the second and following lines must be exactly one number sign #.

  • If the comment text is not empty, the first codepoint after the comment delimiter must be a whitespace character.

6.2.3. Title

The title of the section is extracted from the comment text of the first line of the kinkdoc comment chunk. The comment text is first matched by the regex [\u0000-\u0020\u007f]*(?<RawText>.*?)[\u0000-\u0020\u007f]*(\{\{\{.*)? and the group RawText is extracted.

The title is made from RawText, replacing ASCII control characters to a whitespace character.

6.2.4. Blocks

The second and following lines of the kinkdoc comment chunk are split to blocks by empty comment lines.

There are three types of blocks:

  • Code block

  • Heading block

  • Paragraph block Code block

If the comment text of every line of a block has three or more whitespace characters, the block is a code block.

The text of the code block is generated from comment texts as follows. First, three whitespace characters are removed from the head of the comment text of each line. Second, a line feed character is added to the end of the comment text of each line. Third, comment texts of the code block are concatenated in order.

If a code block is directly followed by another code block, those code blocks are combined into a single code block. The text of the code block is made by joining the texts of the combined code blocks with a line feed character. Heading block

If a block meets following conditions, it is a heading block.

  • The comment text of the first line of the block starts with a white space character and two equals signs (U+003d), and a white space character.

  • The comment text of the last line of the block ends with a white space character, and two equal signs (U+003d).

  • One of the following conditions are met:

    • The block consists of two or more lines.

    • If the block consists of a single line, the comment text matches the regex [ ]== +[^ ](.*[^ ]) +==.

The text of the heading block is generated as follows. First, comment texts of the lines are concatenated in order. Second, the text is matched with the regex [ ]== +(?<Content>[^ ](.*[^ ])) +==, and the group Content is extracted as the text of the heading block. Paragraph block

If a block does not meet the conditions of the code block or the heading block, it is a paragraph block.

The text of the paragraph block is generated as follows. First, comment texts of the lines are concatenated in order. Second, whitespace characters at the head of the text are removed.

6.2.5. Tree structure of sections The toplevel section

If the first kinkdoc comment chunk has an empty title, the blocks of the chunk are used as the blocks of the toplevel section.

If the program file does not have a kinkdoc comment chunk, or the first kinkdoc comment chunk has a nonempty title, the toplevel section is created with no blocks. Non toplevel sections

The tree structure of non-toplevel sections are determined from indent levels of each kinkdoc comment chunk. Here, the indent level of a chunk is the number of whitespace characters before the comment delimiter.

The tree structure is determined by the algorithm given by the pseudo code below.

toplevel_section := «the top level section»
chunks := «FIFO queue of non-toplevel kinkdoc comment chunks»

read_children(toplevel_section, 0)

def read_children(parent, min_indent) {
  loop {
    if empty?(chunks)

    chunk := peek(chunks)
    if chunk.indent_level < min_indent

    section := «generate section from chunk»
    add(parent.subsections, section)
    read_children(section, chunk.indent_level + 1)

6.3. JSON Schema

The following is the JSON Schema of kinkdoc JSON data.

{ "type": "object",
  "required": ["title", "blocks", "subsections"],
  "properties": {
    "title": {
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f]([^\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f]*[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f])?"
    "blocks": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": ["type", "text"],
        "properties": {
          "type": {
            "enum": ["paragraph", "code", "heading"]
        "if": {
          "properties": {
            "type": { "const": "code" }
        "then": {
          "properties": {
            "text": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "( *[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f][^\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f]*\\n)(([^\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f]*\\n)*( *[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f][^\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f]*\\n))?"
        "else": {
          "properties": {
            "text": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f]([^\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f]*[^\\u0000-\\u0020\\u007f])?"
    "subsections": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": { "$ref": "#" }