4.8. kink/CONTROL

The mod which provides various control funs.

4.8.1. CONTROL.try($body $cont_returned $cont_raised)

`try` traps an exception raised within invocation of $body.


• $body must be a thunk fun

• $cont_returned must be a fun which takes an argument, which is the result of $body

• $cont_raised must be a fun which takes an exception raised in the invocation of $body

`try` invokes $body with no args.

If the invocation of $body terminates without raising an exception, `try` tail-calls $cont_returned with the result of the invocation of $body.

If the invocation of $body terminates raising an exception, `try` tail-calls $cont_raised with the exception.



:attempt_divide_10_by <- {(:Divisor)
    { 10 // Divisor }
      stdout.print_line('result: {}'.format(Result))

# Output:
#   result: 5

# Output:
#   -- main exception
#   [(root)]
#   {(call by host)}
#   {(call by host)}
#   {startup}
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L238 C3 _startup_aux} -->_startup_aux(Args Dep)
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L221 C11 try} CONTROL.-->try(
#   [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L79 C33 reset] :switch = KONT_TAG.escape_tag.-->reset{
#   {(call by host)}
#   [(kont tag)]
#   [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L80 C10 body] :R = -->body
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L223 C7 _start} -->_start(Non_opts Dep)
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L120 C3 if} -->if(Non_opts.empty?
#   {(call by host)}
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L131 C20 call} { :Source_spec -->= Non_opts.front
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L132 C20 call} :Script_args -->= Non_opts.drop_front(1)
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L133 C7 branch} -->branch(
#   {(call by host)}
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L158 C34 call} [:Source_desc :Script] -->= _scan_from(Source_spec Dep)
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L160 C20 call} :Binding -->= BINDING.new
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L162 C11 _run_script} -->_run_script(Binding $script_fun Script_args)
#   [builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L111 C3 script_fun] -->script_fun
#   {builtin:kink-mods/kink/PROGRAM.kn L86 C21 raw_compiled} :compiled = { -->raw_compiled(Binding) }
#   {(stdin) L22 C1 attempt_divide_10_by} -->attempt_divide_10_by(0)
#   {(stdin) L5 C11 try} CONTROL.-->try(
#   [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L79 C33 reset] :switch = KONT_TAG.escape_tag.-->reset{
#   {(call by host)}
#   [(kont tag)]
#   [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L80 C10 body] :R = -->body
#   {(stdin) L6 C10 op_intdiv} { 10 -->// Divisor }
#   Num.op_intdiv: zero division: 10 is divided by 0

`try` internally uses kink/KONT_TAG.escape_tag to trap an exception.

4.8.2. CONTROL.while($cond $body)

CONTROL.while calls $body repeatedly while $cond returns true.


• $cond must be a thunk fun which returns a bool

• $body must be a thunk fun

CONTROL.while first calls $cond with no args. If $cond returns true, CONTROL.while calls $body with no args. It repeats until Fun returns false.



:Vec <- [1 2 3]
CONTROL.while{ ! Vec.empty? }{
  :N = Vec.pop_front
# Output:
#   1
#   2
#   3

4.8.3. CONTROL.with_finally($body)

`with_finally` provides functionality of resource releases at the end of the procedure which uses the resources.

`with_finally` calls $body with $finally fun, and returns the result of $body. Within the invocation of $body, $finally can be called with $cleanup thunk.

$cleanup thunk is ensured to be called after the invocation of $body ends in the following ways:

(1) When the invocation of $body returns a val,

(2) When the invocation of $body is terminated by $break fun of CONTROL.with_break with a val, or

(3) When the invocation of $body raises an exception.



:Text <- CONTROL.with_finally{(:finally)
  :In = FILE.open_to_read('/path/to/file')
  finally{ In.close }
stdout.print(Text)  # prints the text in /path/to/file

In the example above, `In` is closed when exiting from `with_finally`, no matter whether `read_all` raises an exception or not.

$finally can be called multiple times. If $finally is called with thunks `T1`, `T2`, ,,, `Tn` respectively in that order, the thunks are called at the end of the invocation of $body in the order `Tn` ,,, `T2`, `T1`.



  finally{ stdout.print_line('T1') }
  finally{ stdout.print_line('T2') }
  finally{ stdout.print_line('T3') }
# Output:
#   T3
#   T2
#   T1

`with_finally` traps only KONT_TAG.escape_tag. Thus, when invocation of $body is aborted by `shift` operation of any other kont tags, $cleanup thunks are not invoked.



:cleanup_not_called <- {
  :Tag = KONT_TAG.new
      finally{ stdout.print_line('does not reach here') }
      Tag.shift{ nada }

cleanup_not_called # => done

Detailed semantics

Invocation of $finally guards the delimited continuation of the invocation of $body by hypothetical __rest__ fun. For example:


The program above is equivalent to the following:

    { __rest__ }

Here, __ensure__ does the following:

• Executes __rest__.

• If __rest__ returns a val, __ensure__ calls $cleanup.

• If __rest__ is terminated by $break fun of CONTROL.with_break with a val `V`, __ensure__ calls $cleanup and calls break(V).

• If __rest__ raises an exception `E`, __ensure__ calls $cleanup within a guard of CONTROL.try. If $cleanup returns a val, __ensure__ raises `E`. If $cleanup raises an exception `F`, __ensure__raises `E+F`.

4.8.4. CONTROL.with_break($body)

`with_break` provides functionality of parameterized non local exit.

`with_break` calls $body with a fun. Let $break be the fun.

Precondition of $break:

• $break takes an arbitrary argument.

• $break must be called within the corresponding invocation of $body.

When $break is called, it escapes from the corresponding invocation of `with_break`, and `with_break` returns the argument passed to $break.

If $break is not called within the invocation of `with_break`, `with_break` returns the result of $body.



:to_fizz_buzz <- {(:Num)
   if(Num % 15 == 0){ break('fizzbuzz') }
   if(Num % 3 == 0){ break('fizz') }
   if(Num % 5 == 0){ break('buzz') }
.map{(:N) to_fizz_buzz(N) }
.each{(:S) stdout.print(S + ' ') }
# => 1 2 fizz 4 buzz fizz 7 8 fizz buzz 11 fizz 13 14 fizzbuzz 16 17 fizz 19 buzz

`with_break` internally uses kink/KONT_TAG.escape_tag to implement a non local exit.