4.25. kink/VAL

Provides funs for vals in general.

4.25.1. VAL.val_id(Val)

`val_id` returns an int num which identifies `Val`.

Invocations of `val_id` for the same val always return the same num. Invocations of `val_id` for different vals always return different nums. Therefore, identity of the val can be tested using the result of `val_id`.



:test_identity <- {(:X :Y)
  if(VAL.val_id(X) == VAL.val_id(Y)
    { stdout.print_line('same') }
    { stdout.print_line('different') }
:V <- new_val
test_identity(V V)        # => same
test_identity(V new_val)  # => different

4.25.2. VAL.same?(X Y)

`same?` returns whether two parameters, `X` and ``Y`, are the same val.



:test_identity <- {(:X :Y)
  if(VAL.same?(X Y)
    { stdout.print_line('same') }
    { stdout.print_line('different') }
:V <- new_val
test_identity(V V)        # => same
test_identity(V new_val)  # => different

4.25.3. VAL.var_syms(Val)

`var_syms` does var-syms operation, and returns the set of syms of the vars of `Val`.

The result is a set of strs.



:V <- new_val('Data' 42 'fun' {})
stdout.print_line(VAL.var_syms(V).repr) # => (flat_set "Data" "fun" "repr")

4.25.4. VAL.identity(Val)

`identity` returns `Val`.



stdout.print_line(VAL.identity('foo').repr) # => "foo"