4.44. kink/datetime/TIMEZONE¶
Provides timezone type.
4.44.1. type timezone¶
A timezone represents the rule of transition of UTC offset in a specific region.
The set of timezones are provided by the runtime. Tz.name¶
“name” method returns the name of Tz, such as "Asia/Tokyo". Tz.offset_for_instant(Instant)¶
`offset_for_instant` returns the `offset` valid in the timezone at `Instant`.
• Instant must be an instant. Tz.offset_for_datetime(Datetime $single_cont $overlap_cont $gap_cont)¶
`offset_for_datetime` produces the `offset`, or the pair of `offset` vals, valid in the timezone at `Datetime`.
• `Datetime` must be `datetime`
• If there is only one `offset` valid at `Datetime`, `offset_for_datetime` tail-calls $single_cont with the `offset`.
• If there are two `offset` vals valid at `Datetime` due to transition, `offset_for_datetime` tail-calls $overlap_cont with the offset before the transition, and the offset after the transition.
• If there is no `offset` valid at `Datetime` due to transition, `offset_for_datetime` tail-calls $gap_cont with the offset before the transition, and the offset after the transition. Tz.repr¶
`repr` returns a str representation of `Tz`, such as "(timezone Asia/Tokyo)". Tz1 == Tz2¶
Two timezone values are equal when they have the same name.
4.44.2. TIMEZONE.for(Name ...[$config])¶
“for” tries to find the timezone specified by Name.
The fun searches the repository of timezones provided by the runtime.
• Name must be a str
• $config, if specified, must be a fun which takes a conf val.
The conf val provides the following methods:
• C.on_present($present_cont) : uses $present_cont as the present cont. If the method is not called, VAL.identity is used as the default present cont.
• C.on_absent($absent_cont) : uses $absent_cont as the absent cont. If the method is not called, the default absent cont raises an exception when the timezone is not found.
• If the timezone is found, “for” tail-calls the present cont with the timezone.
• If the timezone is not found, “for” tail-calls the absent cont with no arg.
stdout.print_line(TIMEZONE.for('Asia/Tokyo').repr) # => Timezone(Asia/Tokyo)
{ TIMEZONE.for('No/Such_Tz') }
{ raise('doesn''t reach here') }
{(:Exc) stdout.print_line(Exc.message) }
# => TIMEZONE.for(Name ...$config): timezone not found: "No/Such_Tz"
Example specifying continuations:
C.on_present{(:Tz) stdout.print_line(Tz.repr) }
# => Timezone(Asia/Tokyo)
C.on_absent{() stdout.print_line('no such tz') }
# => no such tz
4.44.3. TIMEZONE.is?(Val)¶
TIMEZONE.is? returns whether Val is a timezone.
4.44.4. TIMEZONE.default¶
“default” fun returns the runtime-default timezone.