7. Testing

Software tests can be implemented using kink/test/TEST module. They can be executed by the launchable module kink/test/TEST_TOOL.

7.1. Writing and running tests

Assume you have a module org/example/RAT under the file src/main/org/example/RAT.kn as follows. RAT module provides rational number type.

# src/main/org/example/RAT.kn


:Rat_trait <- [
  'numer' {[:R]

  'denom' {[:R]

  'op_eq' {[:X](:Y)
    X.numer * Y.denom == Y.numer * X.denom

  'repr' {[:R]
    '(rat {}/{})'.format(R.numer R.denom)

:new <- {(:Numer :Denom)
  Denom != 0 || raise(
    'RAT.new(Numer Denom): Denom must be nonzero, but was zero')
    ... Rat_trait
    'Numer' Numer
    'Denom' Denom

Now, let's write tests of the module in the file src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn. You can implement a test by calling TEST.test function. You can pass a descriptive name of the test as the first argument of TEST.test.

# src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn.


TEST.test('numer is provided by RAT.new'){
  :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
  :Result = Rat.numer
  Result == 2 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

TEST.test('denom is provided by RAT.new'){
  :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
  :Result = Rat.denom
  Result == 5 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

As you can see, assertion is done by checking the condition and explicitly raising an exception.

You can run the tests by the following commandline.

$ kink -p src/main mod:kink/test/TEST_TOOL src/test
Success 2 Failure 0 Skipped 0

-p main is specified because org/example/RAT module is defined under src/main. The last argument src/test is the directory of tests. Every file with a path ending with _test.kn under the directory is loaded as a test program.

Two periods in the output mean that two tests succeeded. The last line of the output is the summary of test execution, which says two tests succeeded, no test failed, and no test was skipped. In that case, the command exits with the exit status 0.

Let's add a test with a wrong assertion.

TEST.test('wrong expectation for .denom'){
  :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
  :Result = Rat.denom
  Result == 0 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

Then run the tests again.

$ kink -p src/main mod:kink/test/TEST_TOOL src/test

Failure: src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; wrong expectation for .denom
  -- main exception
  {(call by host)}
  {(call by host)}
  {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L238 C3 _startup_aux} -->_startup_aux(Args Dep)
  {builtin:kink-mods/kink/_startup/STARTUP.kn L221 C11 try} CONTROL.-->try(
  [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L93 C33 reset] :switch = KONT_TAG.escape_tag.-->reset{
  [builtin:kink-mods/kink/CONTROL.kn L94 C10 body] :R = -->body
  {builtin:kink-mods/kink/test/TEST.kn L311 C15 _test_thunk} { T.-->_test_thunk }
  {src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn L21 C15 op_logor} Result == 0 -->|| raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))
  {(call by host)}
  {src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn L21 C18 raise} Result == 0 || -->raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))
  got 5

Success 2 Failure 1 Skipped 0

As you can see, the exception is reported to the standard output. If one or more tests fail, the command exists with nonzero exit status.

7.2. Grouping tests

Tests can be grouped by TEST.group. Groups can be nested. Group names will be parts of the test address, along with the program file path and the test name.

Let's rewrite the test program as follows.

# src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn.


TEST.group('Rat val'){
  TEST.test('numer is provided by RAT.new'){
    :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
    :Result = Rat.numer
    Result == 2 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

  TEST.test('denom is provided by RAT.new'){
    :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
    :Result = Rat.denom
    Result == 5 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

  TEST.group('Rat == Another_rat'){
    TEST.test('1/2 == 1/2'){
      RAT.new(1 2) == RAT.new(1 2) || raise('got false')

    TEST.test('2/4 == 3/6'){
      RAT.new(2 4) == RAT.new(3 6) || raise('got false')

    TEST.test('1/2 != 1/3'){
      RAT.new(1 2) == RAT.new(1 3) && raise('got true')

Then, run the tests with --verbose mode. --verbose mode outputs the test address for each test.

$ kink -p src/main/ mod:kink/test/TEST_TOOL src/test/ --verbose
src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; Rat val; numer is provided by RAT.new : Success 0.052 sec
src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; Rat val; denom is provided by RAT.new : Success 0.005 sec
src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; Rat val; Rat == Another_rat; 1/2 == 1/2 : Success 0.005 sec
src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; Rat val; Rat == Another_rat; 2/4 == 3/6 : Success 0.005 sec
src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn; Rat val; Rat == Another_rat; 1/2 != 1/3 : Success 0.005 sec

Success 5 Failure 0 Skipped 0

As you see, group names are included in test addresses.

7.3. Parameterized tests

When you want to parameterize tests, or run single logic with multiple data sets, you can do so by calling TEST.test in a loop.

For example, the test program can be rewritten as follows.

# src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn.


TEST.group('Rat val'){
  TEST.test('numer is provided by RAT.new'){
    :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
    :Result = Rat.numer
    Result == 2 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

  TEST.test('denom is provided by RAT.new'){
    :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
    :Result = Rat.denom
    Result == 5 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

  TEST.group('Rat == Another_rat'){
    [ [RAT.new(1 2) RAT.new(1 2) true]
      [RAT.new(2 4) RAT.new(3 6) true]
      [RAT.new(1 2) RAT.new(1 3) false]
    ].each{([:X :Y :Expected])
      TEST.test('({} == {}) == {}'.format(X.repr Y.repr Expected.repr)){
        :Actual = X == Y
        Actual == Expected || raise('got {}'.format(Actual.repr))

7.4. Asserting an exception is raised

When you want to assert that the target function raises an exception, you can do so by catching an exception by CONTROL.try.


TEST.test('denom must not be zero'){
    { RAT.new(1 0) }

    # RAT.new must raise an exception
    {(:R) raise('got {}'.format(R.repr)) }

    # the exception message must have 'RAT.new' and 'zero'
      :Msg = Exc.message
      Msg.have_slice?('RAT.new') && Msg.have_slice?('zero') || Exc.raise

7.5. Skipping a test

Sometimes you might want to run a specific test only when a certain condition is met. You can do so by calling TEST.skip in the test thunk.

For example, you might want to

  1. ignore a test because the target code has not yet been implemented,

  2. run a test only on a Windoes system, or

  3. run a test only for integration testing.

Let's rewrite the test program as follows.

# src/test/org/example/RAT_test.kn.


# (1)
TEST.test('1/2  < 2/3'){
  # Rat.op_lt has not yet been implemented

  RAT.new(1 2) < RAT.new(2/3) || raise('got false')

# (2)
TEST.test('executed only on windows'){
  RUNTIME.windows? || TEST.skip

  :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
  :Result = Rat.numer
  Result == 2 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

# (3)
TEST.test('executed only when label "integration" is given'){
  TEST.have_label?('integration') || TEST.skip

  :Rat = RAT.new(2 5)
  :Result = Rat.denom
  Result == 5 || raise('got {}'.format(Result.repr))

Let's execute the tests. When you are on a Unix system, all the tests are skipped. Three hyphens mean three tests were skipped.

$ kink -p src/main mod:kink/test/TEST_TOOL src/test
Success 0 Failure 0 Skipped 3

Then, run them as integration testing. You can pass a label through --label option. It can be tested by TEST.have_label?.

$ kink -p src/main mod:kink/test/TEST_TOOL src/test --label integration
Success 1 Failure 0 Skipped 2

This time, the third test is executed, because TEST.have_label? returns true.