Class VecInternal

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class VecInternal extends Object
Container of vec elements.

A vec internal has a fixed capacity, which is greater than or equal to the size. If the size of the result of a linear update method such as insert(int, Val) is bigger than the capacity, the method returns a newly created vec internal, instead of modifying this vec internal.

This class is weakly thread-safe, in the sense that if preconditions hold, actions at least return valid vals, and/or don't break the state of the instance, even if the instance is modified by another thread concurrently.

If a read R in a thread reads a val V from the VecInternal which is written by a write W in another thread, any writes which happen-before W happen before any reads after (in the happens-before order) R.

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, List<? extends Val> list)
      Returns a new vec internal containing the elements of the list.
      vm - the vm.
      list - the list of vals.
      a new vec internal containing the elements of the list.
    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, Val[] array, int from, int to)
      Returns a new vec containing elements between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive) on the array.
      vm - the vm.
      array - the array of vals.
      from - the beginning index (inclusive) on the array.
      to - the end index (exclusive) on the array.
      a new vec internal.
    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, Val e0)
      Returns a new vec internal.
      vm - the vm.
      e0 - the #0 elem.
      a new vec internal.
    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, Val e0, Val e1)
      Returns a new vec internal.
      vm - the vm.
      e0 - the #0 elem.
      e1 - the #1 elem.
      a new vec internal.
    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, Val e0, Val e1, Val e2)
      Returns a new vec internal.
      vm - the vm.
      e0 - the #0 elem.
      e1 - the #1 elem.
      e2 - the #2 elem.
      a new vec internal.
    • of

      public static VecInternal of(Vm vm, Val e0, Val e1, Val e2, Val e3)
      Returns a new vec internal.
      vm - the vm.
      e0 - the #0 elem.
      e1 - the #1 elem.
      e2 - the #2 elem.
      e3 - the #3 elem.
      a new vec internal.
    • ofCapa

      public static VecInternal ofCapa(Vm vm, int capa)
      Returns a new empty vec internal with the specified capa.
      vm - the vm.
      capa - the capa.
      a new empty vec internal with the specified capa.
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the size of the vec internal.
      the size of the vec internal.
    • get

      public Val get(int index)
      Returns the indexed element.

      Precondition: 0 <= index < capa.

      index - the index.
      the indexed element.
    • getTrait

      @Nullable public abstract MaybeTrait getTrait()
      Returns the trait vec internal equal to this if possible; otherwise null.
      the trait vec internal equal to this if possible, or null.
    • append

      @CheckReturnValue public VecInternal append(Val val)
      Inserts a val to the end.

      This is a linear update make.

      val - the inserted val.
      the result vec internal; it may be this.
    • set

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal set(int index, Val val)
      Sets the indexed element.

      This is a linear update make.

      index - the index.
      val - the element val.
    • remove

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal remove(int index)
      Removes the indexed element from the vec internal.

      This is a linear update make.

      Precondition: 0 <= index < capa.

      index - the index.
    • removeRange

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal removeRange(int from, int to)
      Removes the range between the indices from the vec internal.

      This is a linear update make.

      Precondition: 0 <= from <= to <= capa.

      from - the beginning index of the range (inclusive).
      to - the end index of the range (exclusive).
    • insert

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal insert(int index, Val val)
      Inserts a val to the position index.

      This is a linear update make.

      Precondition: 0 <= index <= capa.

      index - the position index.
      val - the inserted val.
      the result vec internal; it may be this.
    • insertAll

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal insertAll(int index, VecInternal added)
      Inserts the elements of added to the position index.

      This is a linear update make.

      Precondition: 0 <= index <= capa.

      index - the position index.
      added - the added vec internal.
      the result vec internal; it may be this.
    • insertRange

      @CheckReturnValue public abstract VecInternal insertRange(int index, Val[] src, int from, int to)
      Inserts the elements in the range of src to the position index.

      This is a linear update make.

      Precondition: 0 <= index <= capa, 0 <= from <= to < src.length.

      index - the position index.
      src - array containing the added vals.
      from - the from index of the src.
      to - the to index of the src.
      the result vec internal; it may be this.
    • copyRangeWithCapa

      public VecInternal copyRangeWithCapa(int from, int to, int newCapa)
      Returns a new vec internal copied from the range of this vec internal.

      The capacity of the result vec internal is set to newCapa.

      Precondition: 0 <= from <= to <= capa.

      from - the beginning index of the range (inclusive).
      to - the end index of the range (exclusive).
      newCapa - the capacity of the new vec internal.
      a new vec internal.
    • copyRange

      public VecInternal copyRange(int from, int to)
      Returns a new vec internal copied from the range of this vec internal.

      The capacity of the result vec internal is set to to - from.

      Precondition: 0 <= from <= to <= capa.

      from - the beginning index of the range (inclusive).
      to - the end index of the range (exclusive).
      a new vec internal.
    • copy

      public VecInternal copy()
      Returns the new vec internal copying the whole elements of this vec internal.

      The capacity of the result vec internal is set to the initial size.

      a new vec internal.
    • copyTo

      public void copyTo(Val[] dest, int destIndex, int size)
      Copies the vals between [0] to [size - 1] to the dest array.
      dest - the dest array.
      destIndex - the index of the dest array to which the vals are copied.
      size - the size of the range of the vals.
    • capa

      public int capa()
      Returns the capacity of the vec internal.
      the capacity of the vec internal.
    • asList

      public List<Val> asList()
      Returns a list which is a view of the vec internal.
      a list which is a view of the vec internal.