5.5. Control structure

5.5.1. Branches

One way branch can be done by if preloaded function. Example:

:print_if_positive <- {(:Num)
  if(Num > 0){

print_if_positive(-1) # => (no output)
print_if_positive(0)  # => (no output)
print_if_positive(1)  # => 1

If you want to raise an exception based on the condition, you can use || or && instead of if.


:fractional_part <- {(:N)
  NUM.is?(N) || raise('N must be a num, but was {}'.format(N.repr))
  N % 1

stdout.print_line(fractional_part(3.1415).repr)   # => 0.1415
stdout.print_line(fractional_part(10.00).repr)    # => 0.00
fractional_part('foo')  # => N must be a num, but was "foo"

Two way branch can be done by if preloaded function. Example:

:negative_or_not <- {(:N)
  if(N < 0
    { 'negative' }
    { 'non-negative' }

stdout.print_line(negative_or_not(-1))  # => negative
stdout.print_line(negative_or_not(0))   # => non-negative
stdout.print_line(negative_or_not(1))   # => non-negative

Multiway branch can be done by branch preloaded function. Example:

:sign <- {(:N)
    { N < 0 } { 'negative' }
    { N == 0 } { 'zero' }
    { true } { 'positive' }

stdout.print_line(sign(-1)) # => negative
stdout.print_line(sign(0))  # => zero
stdout.print_line(sign(1))  # => positive

Note that the last condition { true } is a catch-all condition. So it works like an else-block.

If no condition is true, branch raises an exception.

:color_to_rgb <- {(:Color)
    { Color == 'red' } { '#ff0000' }
    { Color == 'green' } { '#00ff00' }
    { Color == 'blue' } { '#0000ff' }

stdout.print_line(color_to_rgb('red'))    # => #ff0000
stdout.print_line(color_to_rgb('green'))  # => #00ff00
stdout.print_line(color_to_rgb('blue'))   # => #0000ff

color_to_rgb('purple') # => branch(...[$cond1 $then1 $cond2 $then2 ,,,]): no matching cond

5.5.2. Loops

Loop can be done by recursive tail calls. Example:

:factorial <- {(:N)
  :loop <- {(:I :Product)
    if(I == N
      { Product }
      { loop(I + 1 Product * I) }
  loop(1 1)

stdout.print_line(factorial(10).repr) # => 362880

For the scope of loop variable, see local recursive function pattern section.

Recursive calls of loop does not cause stack overflow, because

  • loop tail-calls if,

  • if tail-calls the else-thunk, and

  • the else-thunk tail-calls loop.

Oftentimes, using a method of a container or an iterator is an better option than writing recursive tail calls by yourself. For example, factorial method above can be rewritten as follows.

:factorial <- {(:N)
  1.up.take_front(N).fold(1){(:I :Product)
    I * Product

stdout.print_line(factorial(10).repr) # => 362880

5.5.3. Return and break

When you want to return from a function or break a loop, you can use CONTROL.with_break.

Example: Return from a function:


:to_fizz_buzz <- {(:Num)
   if(Num % 15 == 0){ return('fizzbuzz') }
   if(Num % 3 == 0){ return('fizz') }
   if(Num % 5 == 0){ return('buzz') }
.map{(:N) to_fizz_buzz(N) }
.each{(:S) stdout.print(S + ' ') }
# => 1 2 fizz 4 buzz fizz 7 8 fizz buzz 11 fizz 13 14 fizzbuzz 16 17 fizz 19 buzz

Example: Break a loop:


:show_reciprocal_sum <- {(:Nums)
  :Result = CONTROL.with_break{(:break)
    Nums.fold(0){(:Sum :N)
      if(N == 0
        { break(-99999) }
        { Sum + (1 / N).floor(3) }
  stdout.print_line('reciprocal sum: {}'.format(Result))

show_reciprocal_sum([1 2 3 4 5])     # => reciprocal sum: 2.283
show_reciprocal_sum([3 2 1 0 (-1)])  # => reciprocal sum: -99999

When you just break the control, you should use CONTROL.with_break instead of directly calling reset and shift of KONT_TAG. It is because CONTROL.with_break takes care of finally blocks of CONTROL.with_finally.


    finally{ stdout.print_line('finally') }

    stdout.print_line('must not reach here')
# Output:
#   begin
#   finally


:Kont_tag <- KONT_TAG.new
    finally{ stdout.print_line('finally') }

    stdout.print_line('must not reach here')
# Output:
#   begin

5.5.4. Release resources

When you acquire a resource, ensure it is released using with_finally function of CONTROL module.

In the next example, the file input and the file output are ensured to be closed after being used.


# copy /etc/os-release to /tmp/os-release-copy
  :In = FILE.open_to_read('/etc/os-release')
  finally{ In.close }

  :Out = FILE.open_to_write('/tmp/os-release-copy')
  finally{ Out.close }

  :loop <- {
    :Max_size = 100

Thunks given to finally are guaranteed to be executed, when the body function given to with_finally, and other finally thunks return, raise an exception, or jumped out by CONTROL.with_break. finally thunks are not executed, when aborted by shift of kont_tag type.

When multiple exceptions are raised from the body function and finally thunks, they are chained as a single exception. See next and have_next? of exception type. Example:


  finally{ raise('baz') }
  finally{ raise('bar') }
# Output:
#   -- chained exception 1/2
#   [(root)]
#   ,,,
#   {(stdin) L5 C14 raise} finally{ -->raise('baz') }
#   baz
#   -- chained exception 2/2
#   [(root)]
#   ,,,
#   {(stdin) L6 C14 raise} finally{ -->raise('bar') }
#   bar
#   -- main exception
#   [(root)]
#   ,,,
#   {(stdin) L7 C5 raise} -->raise('foo')
#   foo